RCSC Training is a trading name of Plant & Logistics Training Limited, providing quality Forklift Truck, Plant, Logistics, First Aid and Health & Safety training.
Registered in England and Wales (Company Number 13784172)
This course is aimed at existing AITT accredited instructors wishing to renew their 5-year qualification.
It is suitable for experienced instructors who are regularly delivering training, enabling you to complete the course in 3 days rather than 5.
Please note:
You must have either an in-date AITT instructor qualification or an AITT-authorised extention in order to attend this course.
Your anniversary (renewal) date will remain the same, as long as you are not attending more than 6 months prior to the expiry of your current registration. For this course, the latest expiry date to preserve the anniversary date would be January 2025.